
Free stuff for more growth.

Download my free guide

I’ve asked around to find out what you folks are struggling with these days, and it turns out anxiety takes the gold medal. So I’d be more than happy to help with that—one tip at a time.

That’s why I’ve curated and bundled together 10 of my favorite techniques to feel a bit more serene and peaceful and to be more in your body, less in your head. When I was suffering from anxiety, I found an unexpected amount of comfort in those tools. In fact, I still use most of them because they have such a positive impact on my overall well-being.

Now, not all of the tips may resonate with you, and that’s OK. Just pick the ones that speak to you and give them a test run. But remember, consistency is the key.

“The Anti-anxiety Guide created by Sandrine is a wonderful tool! It provides you 10 hacks that you can easily implement in your daily routine. As someone with a very anxious nature, getting rid of this insecurity feeling was and is still a challenge. But on this ongoing journey, I’m glad to have found such efficient tips as bringing my mind to a happy place or just anchoring it in the now. Whenever I feel the anxiety is surfacing, I just have to remember there are those solutions to overcome it. I could also feel the deep knowledge based on the personal experience of Sandrine and her sincere interest in helping others by sharing those hacks. So thank you, Sandrine!” – Mélodie J. 

Free guide: anti-anxiety tips

Listen To My Podcast

Between writing a blog and keeping up with an Instagram account, I’ve decided to add another layer: I’ve started a podcast.

Why? Well, I understand that while some of you enjoy reading, there are those who run away screaming at the mere sight of a paragraph.

No worries, though – my plan is to keep upcoming episodes short and sweet, definitely clocking in at under 15 minutes. Perfect for a quick bathroom break or a short commute.

For me, this podcast is also a chance to present the same topics in a whole new light. And I’m enjoying it!

I’m looking forward to assisting you on your journey, drop me a line to book a discovery call!

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