Empowerment coaching for all

My online group programs

Empowerment coaching group programs
Empowerment coaching group programs for entrepreneurs

Whether they’re for individuals or professionals, all my online group programs are designed to tackle one specific goal.

How does it work?

During these 4 weeks together, we’re going to dive deep into a weekly topic.

This is how it goes:

  • 4 live group weekly sessions + 2 live Q&A sessions every other week
  • A set of weekly exercises – time commitment: 1 hour/week
  • A Facebook group is available for community support and sharing progress.

I’m not only giving you actionable info and tips or sharing my experience; we’re also benefiting from the group dynamic – it’s incredibly powerful and inspiring!

When does it happen?

Next cohorts (ugh, what an ugly word) start in September 2024.

If you want in, or are simply curious and want more information on those group programs of mine, you can sign-up for the waitlist.

And if you need a more personalised and focus approach, check my one-on-one sessions offer!


“I highly recommend this program. It has been an opportunity to do regular work on myself with clear and precise exercises. You provide very good tools for improving daily life, overcoming fears and anxieties, and accepting one's emotions. The fact that several of us are doing it together is very motivating, and the weekly meetings are very enriching. The best thing I take away from this program is you as a coach: your energy, open-mindedness, and sense of humor. You are a bright and generous person who gives a lot to the participants."
Eleonore V.
Customer Success Lead
"What was great was the group element, which facilitated an exchange of experiences. The live sessions offered a chance to interact with others, sharing personal situations and realizing that, in the end, our problems and fears are quite similar or not far apart. It makes you feel less isolated and encourages you to open your mind. I've gained a wealth of tools; now it's up to me to keep engaging and applying them. After all, training the brain is like building abs—it doesn't happen in just 10 minutes."
Laurence B.
UX Designer
"Sandrine truly knows what she's talking about in her coaching program. I appreciated having someone in front of me who didn't just transmit theory, but rather someone who had their own experiences and sorted out what was useful and what wasn't in challenging or intense situations. The exercises, live sessions, and Facebook group are excellent tools for both exploring your own path independently and not feeling alone or abandoned in this journey."
Claudia B.
Writer & Author

Benefit from a common safe container, and the powerful energy of a bunch of people with the same goal.

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